Coach, Accountant, Photographer, Author

Coaching is a results-oriented process of partnering with you. Let me take you where you want to go.
~ Johanna Vanderpol, MA
With training as a coach and specialties in Emotional Intelligence and Positive Psychology, my coaching approach is a collaborative and inquiry process that empowers you to define and achieve your personal and professional goals. I work with your values and needs. I help you cultivate emotional intelligence and positive psychology skills as outlined in my book Honouring Your Emotions: Why it Matters, and I help you get results.
Emotional intelligence coaching focuses on enhancing a person's ability to recognize, understand, and manage their emotions, as well as the emotions of others, fostering better relationships and decision-making. Positive psychology coaching focuses on enhancing a person's strengths and well-being. Together these approaches help individuals navigate challenges with greater confidence and clarity. There is an ease to it with an non-judgmental, encouraging coach by your side.
My coaching style includes:
possibility coaching identifying your values and resources
advanced certification in positive psychology and emotional intelligence coaching
Masters in Leadership from Royal Roads University
author of Honouring Your Emotions: Why it matters
connecting with your strengths
clarifying what is important to YOU and moving towards that vision
transforming emotional blocks
Through my knowledge, experience, training and intuition, I am able to ask powerful questions, offer mirroring to help you see the good in yourself, and help you discover what is available within and without to make your dreams and goals a reality. It can be an emotional state that you might like to achieve or a concrete goal like increased physical fitness, a financial or social goal or something not listed here.
Most obstacles to a better life are emotional in nature. We struggle with our emotions in our work environments and our relationships. We suffer from anxiety, self-doubt, feeling trapped to name a few. Emotional Intelligence is a skill set that can be taught and applied with relative ease. In my book, Honouring Your Emotions: Why it Matters. I discuss the role of emotions and how they help guide us. I provide coaching to help you learn the new ways of thinking and being that will bring you positive results. I created a five-step model called the RHUME​ (TM) method that allows you to move through emotions in the moment they occur so they don't come back to bite you.
To set up a thirty minute complimentary coaching call, please go to the Contact Page and suggest a few dates and times.
How does coaching work?
Coaching is most successful by phone. Sessions take place biweekly and are 45-60 minutes in length . A simple action plan is created for the week and is the starting point of the next session. Clients are encouraged to make a minimum three-month commitment but may book single sessions.
What do you charge?
I charge $125 for individual sessions and $600 for a package of six sessions over three months. Do NOT undervalue this investment in yourself. Imagine the possibilities becoming a reality! There is no charge for setting up an introductory session to see if coaching might work for you.
​What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
Am I ready for a coach?
Let's find out!
Let me take you where you want to go.
Take advantage of a 30 minute complimentary session to see if this would be the right approach for you by filling out the form on the Contact page.