Third World Congress in Positive Psychology
June 27 to 30, 2013 in Los Angeles
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Honouring Your Emotions:
Why It Matters

by Johanna Vanderpol

What if we thought that emotions were a good thing and stopped apologizing for them?

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Emotional Intelligence (EI) in the Workplace. Learn:

the value of emotional intelligence in the workplace
the definition of emotional intellience
your personal EQ by taking the quiz
recognize the benefits of EI in productivity, morale and the bottom line
the value of emotions with the value of reason
the RHUME™ model of applying EI
other EI competencies and skills
results of case studies
"the plan"

The StressSolutions™ Seminar. Learn how to:

recognize your internal stressors
identify your unique stressors
see that changes are possible
create an action plan that works
feel the difference in your stress level
have a buddy system to help you
experience significant changes in the course
continue creating and maintaining changes that lower your stress level

Questions? 250-597-2765,

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What if we thought that emotions were a good thing and stopped apologizing for them? This book by Johanna Vanderpol will show you the true value of emotion, free you from having to deny them anymore, and start using them in the ways they were meant to be used.

Book: $19.95 CAN., $19.95 USD.
E-Book: $9.95 CAN., $9.95 USD.



Do your emotions sometimes get the better of you? Do you sometimes feel driven by them? Would you like to use the true power of your emotions to attain the happiness in your life that can be truly yours? Would you like to reduce the stress in your life? During this 4 week program you will delve into ways of honoring your Nordstrom Coupon Code emotions and transform your life. You will learn to recognize your emotions, how they manifest in your body and understand the message that each emotion is giving you so you can act appropriately on the message and avoid many chronic and acute physical ailments. 4 part Audio series, $39 USD for all four 1 hour programs.

Increase Your Emotional Intelligence - a self-coaching 21-day program to integrate emotional intelligence into your thoughts, feelings and actions

  • Do you wish you could hire a Nordstrom Promo Codecoach to move through your emotional challenges but find it too costly?
  • Do you wish you could increase your emotional intelligence and make it sustainable?
  • Are you tired of emotional ups and downs?
    Would you like to feel emotionally resilient so that life's
  • challenges don't throw you off centre so easily?

$21.00 USD.

"You are my new Marianne Williamson! Thank you for providing us with this new insight for our profession. It was most enlightening and uplifting. Would you consider speaking at our medical conference?"

- From a seminar presented to mental health professionals
in Michigan, November 2001


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